A brief introduction to
the Brazilian Market

July, 2023

Understanding the scenario

On the 30th of June of 2023, the Brazilian Government
announced the new rules for crossborder e-commerce.

According to the IN 2146/2023, as of the 1st of August of this same year, the
conformity plan for the e-commerce, named as “Remessa Conforme”, starts to be applied.
The upcoming changes will be explained next, as well as it will be presented
a brief introduction to the program and how to engage in it.

Remessa Conforme

According to the Brazilian Customs, the Remessa Conforme is:

Platforms engaged in the conformity program (Remessa Conforme) will enjoy
faster Customs Clearance and a lower inspection rate.


Remessa Conforme

Who is elegible to become
“Remessa Conforme”?

The IN 2146/2023 defines that companies, local or foreign, which
use platforms, websites, or other digital tool of commercial intermediation,
whether using their solution or a third party, can apply to the program
as much as they are in compliance with the following requirements.

Requirements needed to become
“Remessa Conforme”?

  • The platform must keep on the website the following information:
  • Information that the goods are coming from abroad
  • Platform must present which goods qualifies for taxation.
  • Break down all the costs separately:
1- goods value;
2- International Freight;
3- Insurance;
4- postal clearance charges – only for postal service;
5- extra expenses;
6- import duties;
7- ICMS;
8- Purchase amount
  • The platform must appoint a courier or Correios to perform customs clearance.
  • The parcel labels must inform the commercial name of the platform engaged in the program.
  • The platform must have an antifraud and conformity policy with tributary legislation.
  • The platform must keep a program for admitting new sellers and manage the active ones.

“Remessa Conforme”
Duties and Taxes proceeds:

  • The platforms will be responsible for calculating and charging the duties and taxes (purchase moment)
  • Courier companies and/or Correios will handle the duties and taxes payment for clearance
  • 60% Import Duties on the FCA value (only for goods higher than USD50)
  • 17% ICMS calculated on top of FCA + Import Duty

My company is in compliance.
What are the Steps to be certified?

  • The certification must be requested through the e-CAC (Virtual Taxpayer Assistance Center of the Brazilian Government).
  • Foreign companies must appoint a local representative (individual or company) in this regard.
  • A proper form must be filled and signed by the legal representative of the company
  • Supporting documentation confirming adherence to the requirements
  • Appointment of a company representative for interlocution with Brazilian Customs (during and after the certification)

Flowchart – Remessa Conforme

Should you have any question,
BIL EXPRESS will be delighted
to support you

www.bilexpress.com.br | bilexpress@bilexpress.com.br

+55 11 5105-1940


Fale conosco e tire suas dúvidas por telefone ou e-mail:
+55 11 5105 1940

BIL Express:
Razão Social:
Brazilian International Logistic Transporte e Armazenagem LTDA

Escritório Central:
Avenida 9 de Julho, 4.364 - Jardim Paulista
01406-100 - São Paulo - SP

Endereço Operacional:
Rod. Hélio Smidt, s/nº - 07190-971 - Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos (GRU) – Terminal de Cargas - Armazém Courier – 07190-971 sala 1C10L014

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